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You just caught a winner

  1. can be opened online
  2. Postident by video-identification
  3. Excellent returns
  4. Very high level of security, excellent for planning and small minimum deposit

To open an İŞWEB Fixed Rate Savings Account, legitimization via video chat and the digital signature of the application are required.


İŞWEB fixed-rate savings accounts – as individual as you are.

With this proven form of investment, you can arrange fixed terms of between one month and five years – based on your specific personal needs. So you see, time really is money. And to ensure that you don’t lose either of them, you can sign up for an İŞWEB fixed-rate savings account quickly and easily online – or from the comfort of your own home by faxing, posting or emailing us a scan of the signed application form.

  1. İŞWEB fixed-rate savings accounts are available to individuals residing in the Federal Republic of Germany. İŞWEB fixed-rate savings accounts are not available for minors.

  1. After successful legitimation, you will receive confirmation of the account opening in writing by post (3-5 working days). If you do not receive a response within this period, you can contact us by e-mail.

  1. İŞWEB fixed-rate savings accounts can only be opened with a minimum deposit of 2,500 euros.

  1. Deposits into a fixed-rate savings account from an İŞWEB account can only be made with a written order submitted by post, fax or by email as a scanned document.

  1. The funds deposited into a fixed-rate savings account are not available until the end of the term.

  1. Isbank generates monthly statements of account in case a transaction volume accumulates. The statements will be sent for free.

  1. There are no fees for opening or maintaining an İŞWEB fixed-rate savings account.

  1. Interest is credited at the end of the term, or per annum in case of accounts with terms of two years or more.

  1. If you would like to invest amounts of 250,000 euros and above, the employees at your İşbank branch would be glad to be of service.

Deposits with İşbank AG are insured within the scope of the EdB, which is a statutory deposit protection scheme. The EdB covers deposits of up to 100,000 euros per investor. Furthermore, İşbank AG is also a member of the Federal Association of German Banks’ Deposit Protection Fund. The insurance limit can be accessed at


  1. Minimum deposit: € 2,500
  2. Interest paid at the end of the term, or per annum in case of terms longer than 12 months
  3. The interest rate applies after the account opening application has been digitally signed

1 month2,75% p.a.
3 months2,65% p.a.
6 months2,70% p.a.
12 months2,70% p.a.
24 months2,40% p.a.
36 months2,40% p.a.
48 months2,40% p.a.
60 months2,40% p.a.


There are no charges for opening or operating an İŞWEB account or İşbank’s Online Banking.

Here's how it works

Identification online via video chat

In the online procedure, your identity can be verfied within a few minutes, regardless of which device you use. The Deutsche Post call center is available from Monday to Sunday from 8 am to 10 pm.

  1. Online-Legitimation via Video-Ident

- Computer with Internet access and WebRTC

- Current Internet browser (Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome)

- Microphone for the conversation with the call center employee

- Webcam for photo identification

- Cell phone for receiving TANs via SMS

- ID card (passport or identity card) with holographic feature

  1. You will receive an automatically generated e-mail from Deutsche Post with a link that you can use to identify yourself via video chat.
  2. A Deutsche Post employee will guide you through the process via video chat. You will receive a TAN by SMS to confirm your data.
  3. You will then be redirected to our website


İŞWEB fixed-rate savings account